Reading material

  • Innovating to compete: Lessons for diffusing and managing change in the workplace
  • 10 Jan 2018
  • Autor: Richard E. Walton
  • Rating:( 2742 votes )

Innovating to compete: Lessons for diffusing and managing change in the workplace


To maintain a leading position in today´s tough marketplace, businesses and industries have to recognise and act upon underlying sources of their strength; this is the capacity for developing and implementing innovations. Yet changes in the way a business or company is organised and operated from day to day must be determined carefully and managed skillfully. In this book, R.E.Walton draws on an extensive study of different industries and how they develop the capacity to innovate and therefore compete successfully. 

Opinion by German Anitua Azkarate

An absolutely fantastic book! I covers the areas of the key elements needed to be understood to implement innovations, but still more interesting how these key elements alter depending on the type of industry. The examples are the main contribution of this book. When I read it I came across with the industry I was involved with doing some consuting advising and it helped me to undertand certain elements that were inherent to the sector itself.

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