
  • By German Anitua Azkarate
  • Rating:( 3003 votes )

An evolutionary perspective of innovation

Initial theories of invention had a “philosophical and psychological” kind of an approach (Bundy, 1927). However, and while the idea of invention came to share its place with imitation in the work of artists (Newman, 1989), with science (Branigan, 1981); with imagination in arts (Engell, 1981; Mason, 2003), previous to this, invention displayed an evolution as a creative process whereby something new and different is forged. (Rogers, 1962).

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  • By German Anitua Azkarate
  • Rating:( 3160 votes )

The stream highs and stream lows of Nokia: A perspective from Finland´s innovation system

Volumes have been written on the stream highs and the stream lows of Nokia. Many writers have made the basis of their arguments under different perspectives to explain the reasons for these highs and lows. However, to shed some new light to the problem, this article will introduce another perspective. To date the Nokia evolution has rarely been approached from the nation´s innovation system perspective

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